14 common questions for registering in the Climate Gas Database

Where can I access the Climate Gas database to start registration?
The Climate Gas Database can be accessed at www.nkvh.kormany.hu by selecting ‘Climate Gas Database’ or at https://nemzetiklimavedelmihatosag.kormany.hu/.
How to register in the Climate Gas database?
You can register on the Climate Gas database homepage.
Why, in what case do I need to register?
According to Sec. 5 (2) of Government Decree 14/2015 (10.II.), owners or operators are required to register in the Climate Gas Database.
Who needs to register as a individual in the Climate Gas database?
Under EU and national legislation, only qualified companies can carry out activities related to climate gases.
Which companies need to register as a company in the Climate Gas database?
Different as a qualified entity and as an application owner.
Which applications are subject to leakage testing?
Detailed information are available at http://nkvh.kormany.hu under ‘Downloadable material’.
Is registration required for all newly installed refrigerant applications (regardless of
charge quantity)?
The application owner or operator is only required to record in the Climate Gas Database newly installed applications that contain at least 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (or 10 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in the case of hermetically sealed installations) of fluorinated greenhouse gases not stored as foam.
Do I need to register existing applications or new ones?
All installed and newly installed applications that are required to be registered must be registered in the Climate Gas database (see question 6 for more information on which installations are required to be leakage tested).
Is it necessary to register vehicles with a gross weight of less than 3.5 tonnes but with a
load of more than 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in the Climate Gas database?
No, but you can register these applications in the ’Applications’ menu.
If I am self-employed, do I have to register as an individual?
What should I do if I have chosen the wrong category during registration?
If your qualification has not yet been accepted by the Authority (if it requires approval), you can withdraw it by clicking on the ‘cancel application’ button.
How do I know if my registration is incorrect or incomplete?
Incorrect or incomplete registration data is indicated by an error message (in red) in the Climate Gas database.
How can I delete my account?
You can apply by submitting a form to the National Climate Protection Authority by post or by electronic means. The form is available under ‘Downloadable material’.
What is the F-Gas customer ID and where can I find it? What information do I need to provide
to identify my company/person?
The F-Gas customer ID is automatically generated by the Climate Gas database after registration, starting with ‘1’ for companies and ‘2’ for qualified individuals. The ID is unique and cannot be changed. The F-Gas customer identifier is located in the top bar of the login interface when logging in to the customer profile.
If you entrust ICE-STAR Szerviz Kft. with your leakage test, we will be very happy to help you with the registration. Trust us with your leakage test, get a free customized quotation from us.
Source: https://nemzetiklimavedelmihatosag.kormany.hu/doc/gyik.pdf